Ever since I can remember, I've had VERY vivid dreams. I'm using AI to recreate them to be as close as I can to the real dream. I'm exploring with different tools to see which AI model creates the closest visuals.
Tools I use:
Leonardo AI
Dream 1 – Luma

What I dreamt
I was in god mode, watching some ships sail along a forest floor towards the horizon of a magical forest.
Re-creation process
I wanted to try image-to-video and text-to-video to find the most accurate output.
For image creation I used Leonardo AI, Flux, Krea
For video creation I used Luma, Minimax, Runway

The most dream-accurate output was Luma
Luma Prompt (8 prompt attempts)
A fleet of small ships with full masts, sail in a line, through the grass on a forest floor, towards a sunny horizon, where there is a sunny meadow. The camera is a slightly above shot. The forest is dense on either side, the towering trees are tall and straight, and line both sides of the ship’s path, dappled sunlight streaming through the leaves. The camera moves slowly, capturing the ships sailing towards the golden coloured light, in a serene forest. The light source comes from the horizon, in centre of the frame.
Most accurate variation (Luma)
Failed attempts of Krea, Flux
Krea did a great job at recreating the the correct scale and perspective of my dream. 
But when it came to adding motion, it didn't capture the movement correctly. 
I tried to animate the images with motion on Runway.
It was very close to the dream, and even recreated the ship bobbing.
Dream 2 – Minimax

What I dreamt
I had itchy eyes, and went to the bathroom and saw I had radicchio leaves instead of eyeballs.
AI Tools
Minimax (Hailio AI)
Minimax Prompt (76 prompt attempts)
A front on shot, close-up of hyper-detailed eyeballs layered in cabbage leaves. We clearly see the skin of her eyelids and eyelashes on top of the cabbage. The red cabbage texture is flush against the small eyeballs, inside both eyes of a pretty 24 year old woman, smoothly wrapped around the eyeball's surface like a second skin. She shifts her gaze left to right. Her face is illuminated softly, with the focus remaining solely on her eyes, emphasizing the surreal yet hyper-realistic look of the red radicchio-covered eyeballs.
Most accurate variation (Minimax)
Failed attempts of Minimax, Luma
Minimax was struggling to make the eyes literally made of radicchio:
Luma's style of replicating humans felt too animated – likely from training the model on animation inputs: